Creating functional and captivating spaces is our passion.
Whether you’re looking to create a welcoming outdoor oasis, a peaceful retreat campus, or a functional living area in your house, we have the expertise and creativity to bring your dream project to life.
Landscape Design

Landscape in Architecture is like expressions in Dance. It evolves the experience of the physical form by creating a storyline, that then connects the vision of the viewer and helps to register the space, creating a long-lasting memory

about us

Grounded in profession,
rooted in design

Landroots Design Studio is a Landscape, Architecture and Interior design practice based in Pune. Our team of designers, carpenters, architects, engineers, horticulturists and environmentalists is committed to bringing innovative and practical solutions to every project and works closely with each client with careful attention to every detail.

While undertaking a new project, meticulous planning, innovative thinking, and the selection of the right professionals are important for the successful end result.

Every Space Counts
Every Space Counts

Why Choose Us

Architecture is the art and science of designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures that are aesthetically pleasing, functional, and sustainable.
Landscape design encompasses harmonious integration of natural and man-made elements to create functional and visually pleasing outdoor spaces while considering the site context.
Interior design caters to needs and preferences of individuals while considering factors such as spatial planning, color schemes, lighting, materials and overall ambiance.